Sexual abuse can take many forms. From gaslighting to cognitive distortions, a predator’s psychological traits often predispose them to engage in criminal sexual behavior. Psychological abuse, or emotional abuse, can also take the form of controlling behaviors.

How to Identify a Sexual Predator
How to Identify a Sexual Predator

To identify a sexual predator, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of how these behaviors work.

Mental abnormality predisposes a person to criminal sexual behavior

There are some psychological disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), that predispose a person to sexual crimes. While an ASPD diagnosis does not differentiate a person with ASPD from a typical recidivist, the condition does indicate that an individual has a definite tendency to commit sex crimes.

Cognitive distortions are a form of emotional abuse

Cognitive distortions are patterns of negative thinking that affect how people perceive other people, themselves, and their world. They are particularly common among children abused by sexual predators. These children tend to view the world through negative lenses and overestimate the difficulty of life experiences.

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse

Gaslighting involves constructing a victim’s perception of reality so that they focus on perceived flaws and transgressions of the perpetrator. This type of abuse can make survivors feel hopeless and defeated. Often, it involves the abuser involving a third party in order to manipulate the victim into believing something they don’t know to be true. The abuser may also use this technique to punish the victim for expressing self-confidence or assertiveness.


Controlling sexual predators starts with parents paying attention to their children and the people around them. Know the teachers, coaches, and day care providers in your child’s life and get to know their friends. Stay involved and make it a habit to visit the child’s school or daycare. Even if you cannot be physically present, you can call and ask questions.


Previous research has linked men’s jealousy to a higher risk of sexual violence. In a recent study, Sugarman & Hotaling found that men are significantly more likely to engage in violent sexual behavior when they are jealous. Although these findings are concerning, they may also reflect protective behaviour on the part of men. For example, they may be jealous in order to prevent their partners from cheating or becoming pregnant by a rival.


Sexual predator manipulation can occur in many ways. Potential victims are often misled by the words they hear or the images they see about themselves. This can lead the victim to believe they are being mistreated or that they are being punished. This kind of manipulation can lead to inappropriate sexual activity.

Limiting contact with others

If you are a victim of a sexual predator, you should be aware of your rights. Under the law, sexual predators may not work in jobs that require substantial contact with children. “Substantial contact” is defined as any activity that involves children. A sexual predator who is convicted of a crime may be denied employment for up to six years. A victim should report suspicions of sexual abuse to the police or department of child services in their state. Survivors can also seek assistance from sexual violence resource centers. In some cases, sexual predators will go into treatment. Treatment for sexual predators has been a hot topic for decades. Many people who undergo treatment can lead productive lives after they are released.

Introducing sexual ideas to children

Introducing sexual ideas to children can be a difficult topic to broach, but there are many ways to do so in a way that is both sensitive and respectful of their feelings. One way is to discuss your values. Your values will influence your discussion, as will the values of your partner or caretaker.