Phone sex and phone dating is a whole lot of fun and you may want to try something out of your routine and go for some exotic and interesting role-playing scenarios. Use this as a starting board to create your own unique and creative role-playing scenarios.

Roles to Play During Phone Sex
Roles to Play During Phone Sex

Dominant VS Submissive

Most people line up in one of these categories more than the other. Using role-playing to play with power and eager giving in may be fun for you and your phone partner. If you both are up to it, perhaps try it one way and then next time switch roles. It is totally up to you, have fun and create interesting characters that exhibit traits of these two power positions.


This is a classic role-playing scenario where one person is the patient and the other the doctor or nurse. It goes back to someone being in distress and the other person coming to their call. There can be many scenarios outside of doctor that fit this role.

Fireman/ Policeman

There is something hot that most women find about a guy in a uniform. So play the role and get brownie points for acting like a knight in shining armor.

Massage Therapist

This is a fun fantasy as it adds relaxation and moving slowly from touch to sex. You have no idea that it’s going to go from a sweet and relaxing touch massage into something hot and steamy but it’s working for you.

There are many different kinds of role-playing ideas out there and available to you from CosPlay to playing characters in your favorite movies or books. Role-playing can really help bring more intimacy, can be fun and funny and a real way to get out of your skin for some time. So try it out and enjoy your role-playing adventure.