You can take a sexual blueprint theory quiz to learn more about your type and discover what kind of partner you are. There are two main types of sexualities: sensual and sexual. The former is all about the environment, while the latter focuses on the act and physicality. While shapeshifters need a mixture of both, sensuals are most attracted to a set scene.

Take a Sexual Blueprint Theory Quiz
Take a Sexual Blueprint Theory Quiz


The sexual blueprint theory quiz helps you identify your erotic blueprint. The quiz is similar to a personality test, and its purpose is to help you figure out what turns you on and what makes you uncomfortable. This knowledge will also help you avoid sexual incompatibility. The quiz can be found on the website of somatic sexologist Jaiya. To take the test, visit her website and click the “take the quiz” button.

The basic blueprint quiz is free, while the more detailed one costs $17. The basic quiz asks 10 questions about you, and the results are delivered to your email address. Be sure to check the spam box; some sites may not send you your results. If you use AOL or Yahoo, your results will not be sent to you.

The kinky type is very demanding. They want everything. The Shapeshifter is the most erotically sophisticated type. This type is often described as “way too much.” They are highly sexually sophisticated and are prone to a variety of sex behaviors.


A Sexual blueprint theory quiz can help you determine your unique erotic blueprint. By answering a few questions you’ll be able to determine your erotic blueprint type and which types you’re most compatible with. Knowing this information will give you the power to communicate more deeply with your partner and have more satisfying sex.

A sexual blueprint is based on your preferences in touch, penetration, and physicality during sex. If you’re a kinky person, then you’re more focused on physicality and playfulness. On the other hand, a shapeshifter has more advanced desires and may have been told by others they’re too demanding or sexy.

If you’re feeling curious about your erotic blueprint, you can take an online quiz. The quiz uses questions similar to those used in psychological tests, and you’ll find out if your partner’s tastes and preferences align with yours. You’ll also learn how to avoid common sex mismatches and how to maximize your pleasure despite genetic differences.


Sex, Love & Goop, a Netflix docuseries, has launched a new quiz to test the theory of sexual blueprints. It uses psychological tests and questionnaires to uncover a person’s sexual turn-ons. The results of the quiz can help you understand what you need to do to turn on your partner.

The first question is about the type of erotic blueprint you have. This is known as your primary blueprint. Once you know your primary blueprint, you can start exploring the other blueprint types. This quiz is helpful in determining what turns you on, and can help you avoid sexual incompatibility. You can take the quiz at Jaiya’s website (opens in a new window).

After taking the quiz, you’ll receive detailed results. You’ll learn your primary blueprint and its secondary blueprint. You’ll also learn about your orgasmic Blueprint Superpowers. You can also get a full profile of your partner’s erotic blueprint, which will help you have better, more intimate relationships.


If you’re a shapeshifter, you need a partner with a wide range of sexual desires. Shapeshifters are insatiably creative, and need someone who will push their boundaries. Moreover, they tend to become stuck in people-pleasing mode and don’t really own their sexual needs. Fortunately, there are a variety of techniques to help you discover and unleash your shapeshifting superpowers.

Your first step to understanding your sexual blueprint is understanding your kink. If your blueprint is kinky, you may feel shame about your desires. If you feel embarrassed or ashamed of having certain desires, it can be a sign that you need to explore those desires. In addition, shapeshifters are explorers of their blueprints and need to be exposed to a variety of experiences.

If you are interested in exploring your erotic blueprint, you can take a free online quiz. Jaiya’s quiz will tell you your erotic blueprint by asking you a series of 10 short questions. The quiz is safe and won’t infect your computer or bombard you with junk email.