There are many benefits of sexual reassignment surgery, but there are also several risks involved. Read on to learn more about this procedure, including its cost and side effects. This article will also discuss alternative methods. This procedure is a good option for transgender individuals who are unhappy with their current gender identity.

The Risks and Benefits of Sexual Reassignment Surgery
The Risks and Benefits of Sexual Reassignment Surgery

Side effects

While gender reassignment surgery can be an amazing way to redefine your identity, there are some potential side effects. After all, the procedure is not a short-term fix. In fact, the procedure may take years. It can have long-term effects on your lifestyle, habits, and overall physical and psychological health.

The results of studies of the surgery have been mixed, with some patients experiencing benefits and some experiencing side effects. However, this evidence is of low quality, due to the observational design and small sample sizes. In addition, many studies reporting positive outcomes were exploratory studies. Therefore, it’s important to understand all risks before undergoing the procedure.


A male to female sex reassignment surgery involves removing the testicles, penile skin, glans, blood vessels, nerves, and urethra. The erectile tissue of the penis is also removed as close to the body as possible. In most cases, the procedure takes a few hours. However, it may take up to a year to complete.

After the surgery, patients are expected to live in the new gender role for up to 12 months. This is the standard time recommended by expert clinical opinion and provides the patient with time to adjust socially. Changing gender is not easy, and patients should have adequate time to prepare for this change.

Gender reassignment surgery is performed to make a person appear and feel more like their preferred gender. After the procedure, these patients are called transsexuals. However, it is important to note that the procedure should be performed only on people who are healthy mentally. Before the surgery, a patient must undergo a mental health assessment to determine if he or she is ready for the procedure.


The cost of sexual reassignment surgery varies from country to country. For instance, Thailand has the best prices, while South Africa has the most expensive procedures. The procedure is very complex and can result in complications. Before undergoing this type of surgery, you should understand all the risks associated with it.

The total cost of the surgery may be up to $50,000. However, the benefits far outweigh the costs. The costs of sexual reassignment surgery include genital reconstruction, face surgery, and other procedures. It can range from $15,000 to $25,000, and it may cost more for cosmetic features. For some people, the cost may be prohibitive.

While there are still a few financial concerns associated with the surgery, some states are beginning to cover the cost. In California, the state government is paying for the surgery for a transgender inmate. Shiloh Quine, who is serving a life sentence without parole for a 1980 murder, was diagnosed with severe gender dysphoria. She had been treated with hormones and other therapies, but the state is now paying for the surgery. After the surgery, she will be able to match her psychological gender with her physical appearance.


Alternatives to sexual reassignment surgeries can help transgender people transition to the gender they want. Although sex reassignment surgery is a common option, it does come with a few risks. For example, patients need to undergo psychological and physical testing to be sure that it’s the right choice for them. They should also live in the gender they wish to transition into before getting the procedure.

Transgender patients at Hopkins

The Johns Hopkins Clinic has been a pioneer in the field of gender-affirming surgery, or transgender surgery. Once known as “sex change” operations, these surgeries are now known as “sexual reassignment surgery.” In the early 1960s, patients from other countries were checking into Hopkins hospitals to have the surgery. These patients came for a second opinion, or to correct the damage caused by previous surgeries, and receive further reconstruction. However, few surgeons in the U.S. performed gender-affirming surgeries.

The Hopkins Clinic has a waiting list of more than a hundred people. The demand grew as the media heightened awareness about transgender health. Despite the growing demand, doctors have been selective in the way they select their patients. They prefer patients who have been living as the gender they were not assigned at birth and are not suffering from any mental illness. They also prefer transgender patients who present themselves as masculine rather than female.